It was a bittersweet end with the last learning community meeting of the year. In celebration of Careers in Aging Week, members created and presented posters on a topic of their choosing within aging. Posters and presentations were judged and prizes were awarded. The meeting ended with discussing the 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work put forth by the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare. Members looked at ways aging intersects with each challenge and where gerontological social workers can fit to work on eliminating these challenges.
Student members would like to thank Dr. Tam Perry for leading the learning community for the past two years. Dr. Perry's leadership has inspired us to critically think about aging issues, continue to engage in gerontological work, and meaningfully integrate our gerontology course work, networking, research, and practice-based skills. The learning community has deeply enriched our academic experiences. Thank you Dr. Perry for such a wonderful addition to our academic experiences.
Student members would like to thank Dr. Tam Perry for leading the learning community for the past two years. Dr. Perry's leadership has inspired us to critically think about aging issues, continue to engage in gerontological work, and meaningfully integrate our gerontology course work, networking, research, and practice-based skills. The learning community has deeply enriched our academic experiences. Thank you Dr. Perry for such a wonderful addition to our academic experiences.